What are the causes of ovarian cysts? – An ovarian cyst is quite common in India as nearly 25%of females suffer from ovarian cyst during their reproductive age group. It is a semi-solid sac in the ovaries. There are different causes of ovarian cysts, for instance, pelvic infection, pregnancy, and hormonal problems. These Ovarian Cysts are usually painless, and Symptomless. There are only signs of ovulation, in some conditions, they may need to be diagnosed and treated by removing them from the body.
The majority of cysts are benign and small and do not exhibit any symptoms most of the time. Females usually encounter ovarian cysts during their reproductive age group. Mostly Ovarian Cysts go away on their own but in some cases where the Cyst got ruptured somehow, Like twisted, burst, or ruptured it may cause some serious symptoms like those mentioned below.
Between Puberty and Menopause Ovarian cysts are very common in Childbearing years. Consuming fertility drugs is one of the reasons for ovarian cysts. These Cysts are gone after a woman’s period or pregnancy. Each ovary is the shape of an Almond, the eggs are developed and get mature in the ovaries. This problem creates no pain and discomfort, so sometimes it takes so long to discover that you are having this problem.
But in some cases, the Ovarian Cyst gets twisted and bursts for some reason, it may cause severe symptoms. If you want to protect yourself from this you have to go for regular checkups. These Symptoms can cause very serious problems in the future.
Every month during the menstrual cycle, a cyst (cyst) develops on your ovaries. The cyst is where an egg develops. The follicle makes the hormone estrogen, which causes normal changes in your uterine lining as your uterus prepares for pregnancy. When your egg matures, you release it from the follicle, called ovulation. There are two kinds of functional cysts –
If the follicle doesn’t break open and the egg is not released, the fluid remains in the follicle, forming a Follicular Cyst and continuing to grow. A follicular cyst is the most common type of ovarian cyst. A follicular cyst may contain small amounts of blood.
Another common ovarian cyst is Corpus Luteum Cyst, it occurs after the follicle releases the egg and it shrinks and starts producing estrogen & progesterone hormones. Fluid building inside the sac leads to a cyst.
Moreover, there are other types of cysts not directly related to menstrual cycles, called pathological cysts.
A Dermoid Cyst or teratoma is formed from the reproductive cells and even contains tissues like teeth, skin, and hair.
Cystadenoma develops on the surface of the ovary that may or may not contain mucous material. However, this ovarian cyst grows in size.
Endometriosis is a condition in which the cell starts to grow outside of the uterus. It may attach to the ovary and result in the cyst.
Usually, there was no treatment of Ovarian Cysts. It comes and goes by itself like after pregnancy and after the period. There are medications available in the market for preventing ovulation and further cyst formation. However, Some treatments are operation(surgery), it can remove your Cyst and will do very little damage with the help of advanced modern equipment. For instance,
At last, we hope you find all the information regarding the symptoms, causes, treatments, and precautions of ovarian cysts. However, if you are experiencing any of the mentioned symptoms, seeing a specialist is highly recommended. You can book an appointment with the best gynaecologist, Dr Ruchi Rai Ahuja in Chandigarh.
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