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Painless delivery (Epidural anaesthesia) at Dr Ahuja Clinic

Epidural anaesthesia for painless labour. What is it?

What is Epidural Anaesthesia?

Epidural anaesthesia is a procedure in which a very thin catheter is placed in the lower part of your back and a pain killer is injected through it. This medicine only blocks the sensation of nerves that cause pain during labour i.e. in the lower part of the body. There is pain relief without any other effect.

What are the types of epidural anaesthesia?

  • -Regular epidural.
  • -Combined Spinal –Epidural (CSE) or “Walking Anaesthesia”

The procedure

Epidural anaesthesia is given by an anaesthetist. It is given in the active phase of labour. There is hardly any pain during the insertion.
You are made to lie on your side or made to sit up. After which the part is cleaned with an antiseptic. A nurse will assist you in making the correct posture and you are asked to be still for some time. Firstly a local anaethetic agent (to numb your skin) is infiltrated and then a needle prick is made in the spine. . After this a very thin tube is placed and the needle is withdrawn completely. The tube is kept in place with the help of a tape. It is through this tube that the medicine is injected from time to time within the limits of safety for you and your baby the drugs are adjusted according to the patient’s needs.

What happens after the procedure?

After the procedure you will be able to move around but you have to be careful not to slide in bed in order to avoid pulling the catheter out. After epidural anaesthesia the pain decreases and labour becomes bearable and easy to manage.It will prevent you from getting exhausted and help you to cope up with labour. At the last stage of labour some pressure is felt in the rectum as we cannot make you totally numb because you need to know where and when to push at the end of labour.

Side effects:

  • Tingling sensation/numbness /heaviness of legs
  • A little fall in blood pressure
  • Headache (due to accidental leakage of spinal fluid)
  • Difficulty in passing urine
  • Slight rise in temperature
  • Abnormal sensations in the legs and minor neurological problems.(rare)
  • There is no evidence that epidural anaesthesia increases the chances of cesearean delivery.
  • Majority of them are minor and manageable side effects.

Who cannot have epidural anaesthesia?

Patients who cannot have epidural anaesthesia are the ones who have blood clotting problems, neurological problems, certain types of lower back surgeries.
It is not mandatory to have epidural anaesthesia. Some patients are able to tolerate the labour pains. Others may do well with mild painkillers give as drips. At the end it is the choice is of the patient!

Some Common Questions and Answers About Painless delivery (Epidural anaesthesia)

Q: Is it possible to have painless labour ? How can I have a painless vaginal delivery?

Ans:Yes it is possible to have painless labour and delivery with the help of epidural analgesia. Counselling during pregnancy (prenatal information) is very important and here comes the role of the gynaecologist you are consulting. You should look for the Best Gynaecologist In Chandigarh. Prior counselling and preparations and guidance play a very important role in the patients outlook toward pain. Other less effective methods are also available like paracetamol iinfusion, listening to music, aromatherapy, acupuncture& acupressure ,birthing balls and, transcutaneus electrical nerve stimulation, sterile water injections, hypnosis, biofeedback, water immersion breathing/ relaxation techniques and massage.
Continuous one to one support also plays a role in alleviating the pain sensations.

How painful is epidural?

Ans: Generally an anaesthetist will apply a local anaesthetic (numbing) agent to the area where epidural is to be applied. Without that numbing agent only a needle prick is felt and with the local agent slight pressure sensation is felt. But the end result i.e. relief from labour pains is dramatic. The patient becomes relaxed.

How long does epidural last?

Ans:The epidural catheter can be kept in place for up to 5 days and the pain killer injections can be easily given through it as per requirement of the lady from time to time.

Is childbirth painful with epidural?

Ans:Pain sensations are drastically reduced with epidural. The patient becomes relieved and more than willing to continue with natural childbirth. Intact many a time’s labour duration also decreases. Patient saves a lot of energy. We generally miss the last dose of epidural i.e. when it is required from the patients’ side to push the baby out. But with that missed top up too, the pain sensations are less and it is more of pressure that is felt by the patient.

What are the side effects of painless delivery?

Ans: These days painless delivery is very safe. Side effects may be fall in blood pressure, an allergic reaction (itching over body), nausea, irregularity in baby’s heartbeat, failure of the baby to come down with contractions. Other side effects may be a temporary loss of ability to control urine, headache and rarely nerve damage.

How much does a painless delivery cost?

Ans: Your delivery package will increase by 10 – 15 thousand extra in India (depending on the hospital) if you opt for painless delivery.

What are the advantages of painless vaginal delivery?

Ans: Advantage is that the patient becomes comfortable and is able to relax and sleep in between.

Painless delivery without epidural?

Ans: Continuous one to one support, prenatal information, listening to your favourite music, ,aromatherapy, acupuncture&acupressure, birthing balls and posture management, transcutaneus electrical nerve stimulation, sterile water injections, water immersion, hypnosis, breathing/ relaxation techniques and massage are found to be effective in small number of cases.

Painless delivery vs c section?

Ans: Nothing is better than a vaginal delivery if conditions are appropriate. So definitely if one is not able to tolerate the labour pains one has the option of painless delivery. One has to remember that at the end of nine months of pregnancy the outcome should be a healthy mother and baby so if your doctor feels that a caesarean is indicated for the sake of baby/ mother then we should go ahead with a C section.

If you are keen for a normal delivery then Dr Ruchi Rai Ahuja is the Best Delivery Doctor In Chandigarh . She is a very high record of Normal Deliveries. Contact us for to know more

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