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Tips for Exercise during Pregnancy

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Exercising can be helpful in benefitting a pregnant woman’s physical as well as mental health during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman keeps herself fit and active during pregnancy then that will help her in accepting challenges in the future like labor and delivery. On other hand, the women who sit idle and do nothing during this period can be harmful to their and their baby’s health. If you were physically active or do some kind of exercise then you can continue your activity with modifications if necessary. But before doing anything else in this condition, you must consult the Best Gyanecologist in Chandigarh so that no problem may occur afterward.

Type of Exercises

If you are having a healthy pregnancy and don’t have any kind of problem then exercising is good for you and your baby. So you should choose those activities or exercises, you enjoy while doing them. If you didn’t exercise before you got pregnant then this is the right time to make a favorable start but make sure that you will start slowly and build up your fitness little by little. Some of the activities are mentioned below which are safe for almost everyone.

  • Walking: – Everyone can start the physical activity by doing a little walk daily as it doesn’t strain your joints and muscles.
  • Swimming: – Swimming is also a very good exercise that doesn’t put pressure on joints and it will give some relief from some extra body weight as the pregnancy progresses. It will also be helpful in keeping your heart rate up and beneficial if you have lower back pain.
  • Riding a Stationary Bike: – It is much safer than a regular bicycle during pregnancy because you have fewer chances to fall off even after your belly grows.
  • Yoga: – Yoga plays a very important role to keep you fit and healthy so you should tell about your pregnancy to your yoga teacher so that s/he may help you in doing those activities or avoid poses that may be unsafe for you pregnant women. You can join yoga or Pilate classes that are specially organized for pregnant women.
  • Low-impact aerobics classes: – Yoga plays a very important role to keep you fit and healthy so you should tell about your pregnancy to your yoga teacher so that s/he may help you in doing those activities or avoid poses that may not be safe for pregnant women. You can join yoga or Pilate classes that are specially organized for pregnant women.
  • Strength Training: – It will help you in building muscles and making your bones strong. Before going into practice, must ask from your provider that how much weight you can lift.

Is it safe for all pregnant women: – Although exercising is a very good habit for pregnant women but sometimes certain conditions occur that don’t allow you to exercise such as asthma, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, or a pregnancy-related condition.

Your doctor may advise to take proper rest if you have: –

  • Bleeding from vagina
  • Water breaking
  • Preterm Labor
  • Multiple fetus
  • A weak cervix
  • Severe Anemia

Activities to avoid: – There are some activities that are not safe for pregnant women, don’t try to do these: –

  • Horseback riding
  • Downhill skiing
  • Off-road cycling
  • Gymnastics
  • Skating
  • Hockey, boxing, soccer or basket ball
  • Lie flat on your back for a very long time
  • Sit-ups
  • Scuba diving
  • Exercising at high altitude
  • Exercising outside on hot, humid days

Warning signs to stop exercising: – If you exercise regularly, keep yourself fit and active, drink plenty of water, and pay proper attention towards your body. But if any sign or symptom you notice that is not normal then, first of all, stop exercising because it can be a warning sign for you. If you notice any of symptoms mentioned below: –

  • Bleeding or fluid leakage from vagina
  • Chest pain, rapid heartbeat or shortness of breathe
  • Feel faint
  • Headache
  • Muscle weakness like pain or swelling in lower legs
  • Continuous, painful contractions
  • No movement in womb

then immediately consult your doctor.

Pregnancy is very important period so any kind of negligence is not acceptable. So you should keep in touch with your doctor and take all kinds of information regarding your baby’s health during this phase. To get smooth or painless delivery, you can consult the best Delivery Doctor in Chandigarh.

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