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Piles: Myths and Facts

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Haemorrhoids or Piles can be an embarrassing subject to discuss with family, friends or doctors for many people, but it should not be. It is a common problem and approximately 75% of people suffer from this problem at some point in their life. But many myths are popular among people about haemorrhoids because of their symptoms, causes and treatments so first of all, everyone must sort facts from fiction about haemorrhoids (Piles).

What Causes Piles or Haemorrhoids?

Piles: – Everyone has the veins in anus and rectum in the lower part but when these veins become swollen and create niggling problem that condition is called haemorrhoids or piles. The most common causes of piles are pregnancy, constipation, diarrhoea, lifting heavy weights with the wrong method, and straining while passing the stool. If you are also one of those who are suffering from this problem then you must visit a urologist for the best Piles Treatment in Chandigarh.

5 Myths And Facts About Piles!

Myth 1: Piles are painful.

Fact: – It is not necessary that piles are painful all the time. People can any type of piles such as internal or external piles. Internal piles are above the anus area and are not usually painful but they can cause bleeding whereas external piles can be painful. So you should seek your doctor’s advice on this problem if you experience any pain or any rectal bleeding.

Myth 2: I am the one who is suffering from piles.

Fact: – It is a very common problem and most people have been affected by this problem at some point in life. So no need to think of yourself as the unlucky one, you just visit to doctor and can get relief from this problem very easily.

Myth 3: Piles affect only old people.

Fact: – This is a false opinion of people because age doesn’t matter. Pregnant women, and people suffering from diarrhoea, and constipation are at higher risk of getting piles problems because as the pregnancy grows, the weight of the fetus also increases and it puts too much pressure on the veins, similarly who are suffering from diarrhoea or constipation problem will have to put more and more pressure during passing stool then will also increase the chances of making the veins swollen. Even people below the of age 50 are affected by this problem.

Myth 4: Pile treatment often requires surgery.

Fact: – It is clear by doctors that surgery is not needed most of the time because there are also many treatments and home remedies to treat it properly. Surgery is recommended for those people who want to remove piles, the rest of the things depend upon the diagnosis. If you experience persistent itching, redness or inflammation near the anal area then it would be best to see a good urologist for Piles Treatment near me so that you may reach there in an emergency without wasting time travelling.

Myth 5: Spicy food is responsible for piles.

Fact: – This is not a reality because there are some particular foods that everyone should avoid because these foods have little or no fibre including: –

  • Chips
  • Ice cream
  • Processed foods
  • Prepared foods
  • Fast food
  • Cheese

Myth 6: Exercise should be avoided if you have piles.

Fact: – Exercise helps in keeping you fit but a person who has piles problem must pay a little more attention that she/he should not lift heavy weights in the wrong way that puts pressure on the bottom muscles. If you exercise regularly then it will boost your metabolism and reduce your body fat which will help reduce the chances of piles problems.

Along with these, there are so many myths and facts about piles. If you have this problem then no need to search a lot more, just visit Dr Ahuja Clinic, Chandigarh where you will meet Dr Alok Ahuja who is the best Surgeon in Chandigarh. He will give appropriate treatment as per your diagnosis and you will get rid of this problem permanently.

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