The total removal of a breast (also called a mastectomy) represents a real trauma affecting the symbol of femininity and which can cause major psychosocial repercussions.
Breast reconstruction by the Best Cancer surgeon in Chandigarh can be immediate (at the same time as the mastectomy) if no complementary radiotherapy is envisaged, or deferred (6 months to 1 year after the end of the medical treatments), a long procedure taking place in many stages.
Delayed breast reconstruction after mastectomy has three main objectives:
Reconstruction of the shape and volume of the breast can be achieved by:
This method of breast reconstruction is the most commonly used. It consists of placing a breast implant under the skin and the pectoral muscle in general in order to recreate the volume of the breast.
This method is possible whenever the elasticity of the breast skin allows it.
In some cases, especially after radiotherapy, the skin is damaged and lacks flexibility, making it impossible to use an implant.
The operation by the Best Cancer surgeon in Chandigarhto reconstruct a breast lasts around one to two hours and requires 1 to 4 nights of hospitalization depending on the case.
Latissimus dorsi flap reconstruction is for patients who cannot benefit from implant reconstruction due to insufficient skin elasticity.
Or who do not want implant reconstruction and prefer reconstruction with their own tissues (so-called autologous reconstruction).
The principle consists of moving tissues from the back (skin, fat and muscle) and transferring them to the breast to recreate its curve.
This procedure generally lasts 2 to 4 hours and requires 4 to 6 days of hospitalization.
Like the latissimus dorsi technique, DIEP reconstruction is intended for patients who cannot or do not want implant reconstruction. We will then use the tissues of the lower abdomen (skin and fat) with their feeder vessels (artery and vein) which will be reconnected by microsurgery at the level of the breast.
This method makes it possible to reconstruct very natural breasts.
The intervention lasts between 4 and 7 hours and requires 5 to 7 days of hospitalization.
There are other techniques similar to the diep, but suitable for patients who do not have enough tissue in the stomach (PAP flap which uses tissue from the “banana under the buttocks”, TUG flap which uses the internal face of the thigh, etc.)
The principle of fat injection is simple, fat is removed by liposuction technique, using incisions of a few millimeters then this fat is purified before reinjecting it using fine cannulas at the level of the breast.
This technique is very regularly used in addition to another method of reconstruction (implant or flap) in order to increase the volume or perfect the result (camouflage a hollow for example) by providing a very natural result.
It can also be used by Breast Cancer specialist alone, using several interventions to gradually rebuild breast volume with fat.
This method is reserved for patients with supple skin and a relatively large fat reserve, or in the reconstruction of small-volume breasts.
The lipofilling procedure generally lasts 1 to 2 hours and can be performed on an outpatient basis.
If you want to know if this technique is right for you, start by contacting Dr Ahuja Clinicto schedule a consultation with Breast Cancer specialist and get a better idea of your personal situation.
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