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Cosmetic Gynecology Surgeons In Chandigarh

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Cosmetic Gynecology Surgeons in Chandigarh – Gynecology is a branch of medicine in which a gynecologist treats the health issues of girls and, women, especially female reproductive organs including the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and breasts. Gynecology is a wide term in which obstetrics and cosmetic gynecology draw a thin line between each other. The term obstetrics is used to describe the study of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. 

Furthermore, the other term cosmetic gynecology combines cosmetic and gynecology because Cosmetic Gynaecological Surgery is a group of non-invasive procedures that can be done despite being medically necessary but is performed to improve the appearance and function of the external vulva and inner vagina. It also assists in restoring sexual dysfunction in women.

Dr Ahuja Clinic – Best Cosmetic Gynecology Surgeons in Chandigarh

The need for cosmetic gynecological surgery in Chandigarh and other parts of the country has recently increased due to the growing awareness of the procedure and its painless benefits. These are minimally invasive procedures that typically last a couple of hours and don’t leave any visible scars if it is performed by experienced and excellent professionals. Skin Geniee, is a successful effort, and a Cosmetic Gynecology specialist branch of Dr Ahuja’s clinic. Ahuja Clinic has been in existence for more than a decade and established a thriving and honourable identity so far. Experienced professional doctors and skilled medical staff put exactness in the operations through excellent supervision and advanced medical and surgical tools. In addition, Techniques and methods alone do not guarantee that a treatment or an operation will be successful, but rather that the performance and expertise of the specialist will enable it to be successful.

Different Cosmetic Gynecology Procedures Available In Chandigarh 

There are different types of cosmetic gynaecology procedures that have gained popularity in Chandigarh over the past few years. Here are many surgical procedures, such as fall vaginoplasty, labiaplasty, femilift, stress urinary incontinence, G-spot, botox and fillers, hymenoplasty, clitoral hood reduction, and female sexual enhancement procedures.

Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation 

Femilift is one of the most popular procedures today as many females are seeking to improve their sexual function. It is also used to treat vaginal laxity and urinary incontinence as well as mild prolapse. After Femilift, the vaginal muscles tighten up making the vagina look better. As mentioned earlier, Femilift is a safe and non-invasive procedure. It is painless and pain only lasts for a few minutes.

Laser For SUI (Stress Urinary Incontinence)

Women suffer from STUCI due to vaginal birth, aging, and hormonal changes following menopause. The use of Fractional laser for STUCI treatment is safe, effective, and affordable. It is also minimally invasive, reducing the risk of infection.

Hymenoplasty (Hymen Repair Surgery)

Hymenoplasty refers to the repair of the hymen. The hymen is the membrane that covers the vaginal opening. It is a symbol of virginity, which is why women have started using this procedure as a way of revirginizing themselves. hymenoplasty is recommended for girls for whatever reason who want to recover the virginity they have already lost. Hymenoplasty is a cosmetic procedure to repair or restore the damaged hymen of a woman.


Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to repair the internal lips of the vagina. The goal of the procedure is to minimise the size of the labia minor, the internal tissues of the vagina.

They use various techniques such as laser therapy and radiofrequency therapy as treatment methods. Labiaplasty procedures are sought after by women after childbirth, as they age, and as they engage in sexual activity. There are two types of labiaplastics: trim and wedge. The gynecologist recommends the procedure after assessing the condition of the vagina.

Vaginoplasty Treatment

A loose vagina is caused by two factors: childbirth and aging. Vaginoplasty is a procedure performed by a gynecologist to tighten the vagina. During the procedure, the gynecologist will examine the vagina and decide which procedure will fix the genitalia.

Clitoral Hood Reduction Treatment

Clitoral hood reduction is a cosmetic gynecological procedure to remove excess skin that encases the clitoris. Clitoral hood reduction removes excess skin that hides the clitoris. Once the excess skin is removed, it becomes easy for the woman to feel sexually excited and achieve sexual fulfilment.

G- Spot Treatment

The term “Orgasm” or “O-shot” in short means the same thing. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is taken from your blood and injected into your vagina and into your clitoris in the area known as the G-Spot or “Grafenburg spot” which is the erotic area inside your vagina close to your hra. The procedure is repeated yearly. The term “G-shot” short for G-Spot is an ideal filler injection into your G-Spot. This procedure is repeated every 5 to 3 months.

Benefits of Cosmetic Gynecology Surgery

Cosmetic Gynaecological Surgery is the most popular type of surgery among women because it: 

  • Improve the appearance of the vagina. 
  • Rejuvenating the genitals
  • Improves sexual activity 
  • Gains self-confidence and enhances the quality of life.
  • It makes your body look more beautiful and youthful.

We hope you gain valuable information regarding the best cosmetic gynecology surgeons in Chandigarh. For whatever reason you want to go for cosmetic surgery, Dr Ahuja is most preferred due to their maintained confidentiality standards and quality service. Dr Ahuja confirms that there is a common misconception that lasers don’t work and can cause harm, which is why she gives a thorough explanation to clarify, the patients about the procedure and its advantages. 

Contact Details 

Name – Dr Ahuja Clinic

Address – #109 sector 18 A, Chandigarh PIN 160018 (near Rotary Club)

Phone Number – +91-6284862829

Email Id – alokahujaruchirai@gmail.com

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