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Can Oral Cancer Be Cured Without Surgery

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Can Oral Cancer Be Cured Without Surgery –  Oral cancer (Oropharyngeal cancer) is commonly known as mouth cancer as well. It affects the back of your mouth and the tissues of your throat. Mouth cancer is a type of cancer that affects any part of the oral cavity. Mouth cancer can affect any of the following areas: Lips, Gums, Tongue, Inner lining of the cheeks, Roof of the mouth, and Floor of the mouth (under the tongue). Mouth cancer belongs to a group of cancers known as head and neck cancers. Oral cancer and other types of head and neck cancer are often treated in the same way.

Oropharyngeal cancer is caused by changes in the DNA of cells on your lips or mouth. Your DNA is what tells your cells how to divide and grow. When healthy cells die, their DNA changes tell your cells how to continue to divide. Over time, the abnormal cells in your mouth become a tumour. Over time, your mouth cancer cells may spread to other parts of your head and neck, or other parts of your body. So, it is better to take precautions. However, if you already have some doubts regarding “Can Oral Cancer be cured without surgery”. Then you came to the very right place. 

Stages and Symptoms of Mouth Cancer

Squamous cell carcinomas are the most common type of oral cancer. Squamous cells are a group of small, flattened cells that cover the surface of the lips and the interior of the mouth. The stages of mouth cancer are denoted by Roman numerals I to IV. A lower stage (stage I) indicates a small cancer that is limited to one area of the mouth. On the other hand, a higher stage (stage IV) indicates that the cancer has grown or spread to other parts of the head and neck or other parts of your body. Understanding your cancer’s stage will help your doctor decide what treatment options are best for you. 

There are usually no symptoms or signs of oral cancer in the early stages but as steadily it spreads can be noticed.

  • Patches on the lining of the mouth or tongue, usually red or red and white
  • Bleeding, pain, or numbness in the mouth
  • Unhealed mouth ulcers or sores 
  • Swelling or thickening in the gum line 
  • Loose teeth with no apparent reason
  • Poorly fitting dentures
  • Swelling in the jaw
  • A lump in the throat or a sore throat.
  • A hoarse voice
  • Difficulty chewing or swallowing
  • Difficulty moving the tongue or jaw

Treatments to cure Oral Cancer

The treatment options for mouth cancer vary depending on the location and stage of your cancer, your overall health, and your individual preferences. You may receive a single treatment option, or you may receive a combination of oral cancer treatments. Oral cancer treatment includes surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Dr. Ahuja an Expert Surgeon with 10+ experience will suggest a suitable treatment. 

  • the size of the cancer
  • where the cancer is
  • if it has spread to other parts 
  • if the cancer has certain genetic changes
  • your age and general health

Mouth cancer risk factors include:

While there is no definitive explanation for the mutations that cause mouth cancer, doctors have identified several factors that may contribute to an increased risk of developing mouth cancer.

  • Cigarettes, Cigarettes, Pipes, Chewing Tobacco and Snuff.
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Excessive sun exposure to your lips
  • A weakened immune system

To prevent mouth cancer, you should:

  • Avoid using any form of tobacco product
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption
  • Avoid chewing betel nut
  • Have a regular dental check
  • visit your dentist or doctor if you notice any changes.
  • Have the vaccination to protect against HPV

Can Oral Cancer Be Cured Without Surgery?

As we have discussed the four stages of oral cancer lie from level one to level 4 depending upon the severity and condition of the cancer. Most oral cancers are a type called squamous cell carcinoma tends to spread quickly. The most common form of oral cancer is caused by smoking or other tobacco use. Heavy alcohol use also increases the risk of oral cancer. If mouth cancer is diagnosed at its early stage it can be cured without surgery.   Here is the list of treatment 

  • Radiation therapy

Tumor cells in the oral cavity are sensitive to radiation. This treatment uses high-energy X-rays or particles to attack the DNA within the tumor cells, killing the cells and preventing them from reproducing.

  • Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a type of treatment that uses powerful drugs that target the DNA of cancer cells. These drugs interfere with the cancer cell’s ability to multiply and spread.

  • Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy stimulates the immune system to look for cancer cells and kill them. Checkpoint inhibitors block the signals that white blood cells use to attack cancer cells.

  • Targeted therapy 

Ceptux (Erbitux) is a targeted cancer drug that targets the unique characteristics of cancer cells that enable them to grow and survive. Cetuximab differs from standard chemotherapy in that it is a targeted therapy that is mainly used for mouth and oral cancer, often in combination with radiotherapy.


As we have discussed Mouth cancer does not show any alarming signs so it is better to go for a regular checkup and consult with Dr Ahuja as per her experience she suggests better prevention and treatment options. 

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