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Tips For Getting Pregnant For Women With PCOS

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Tips for Getting Pregnant for Women with PCOS – Did you know? It is estimated that 20% of females in India are suffering from PCOS. There are several factors contributing to this rising case but the most prominent one is changing lifestyle and obesity. Studies clearly show that upon treating PCOS, the chances of getting pregnant increased by 80%. Here, we are going to discuss in brief the tips for getting pregnant for women with PCOS

Tips for Getting Pregnant for Women with PCOS

First of all, it is important to see a doctor and have a proper diagnosis. Several underlying factors lead to being unable to have a baby even after trying for years. We highly suggest visiting Dr Ahuja Clinic in Chandigarh, Dr Ruchi Rai Ahuja is the best gynaecologist and infertility specialist. A well-renowned doctor with over two decades of experience in handling cases of PCOS pregnancy and successfully transforming the lives of her patients. 

What are the Causes and Symptoms of PCOS?

PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is quite common in the Indian female population. In this condition, due to hormonal imbalance, ovaries do not release the egg during a menstrual cycle. This leads to facing difficulties in getting pregnant. Most importantly, PCOS is not cured but managed. 

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common medical condition most Indian women are suffering. Here are some symptoms of PCOS

  1. Irregular periods 
  2. Lack of periods
  3. More facial and body hair 
  4. Difficulty in losing weight 
  5. Putting extra kilos rapidly 
  6. Acne and oily skin
  7. No able to conceive after multiple attempts 

The main causes of PCOS are either genetic or hormonal imbalance. If your mommy, sisters, or aunts have a history of PCOS, then it is more likely to have PCOS. Also, women with PCOS have high testosterone levels and insulin resistance. Moreover, if PCOS remains untreated, it may lead to some serious medical conditions such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, and stroke. So, it is important to see a specialist and have a proper treatment. 

4 Tips for Getting Pregnant for Women with PCOS 

PCOS is one of the causes of infertility in women. But getting pregnant even after having PCOS is possible but you will need professional help. Women with PCOS have high androgens levels and insulin resistance affects the normal menstrual cycle. Also, increased androgen levels inhibit follicle development. Ultimately results in not getting pregnant. However, there are a few tips that can help you in the journey of treating PCOS and increasing the chances of conceiving. 

  • Changes In Lifestyle 

An unhealthy lifestyle is the leading cause of rising cases of PCOS in India. Just making small changes in your daily routine can result in a significant effect on improving your chances of conceiving. For instance, 

  1. Follow a balanced diet rich in healthy fats, and proteins, and full of fibre. 
  2. Doing 30 minutes of exercise such as brisk walking, helps in reducing insulin resistance and even regulating hormone levels.  
  3. You can also try yoga and medication to stay away from stress. 
  4. Avoiding smoking and alcohol. 
  5. Keeping track of the ovulation cycle through an app. 
  •  Weight Loss

It is quite obvious that obesity results in various medical conditions including being unable to have a baby. Study shows that losing 10% of body weight has a significant effect on ovulation cycle restoration. And ultimately helps in increasing the chances of conceiving. You can start your weight loss journey with some easy exercise along with eating a balanced diet. Also, you can see a dietitian for expert advice. 

  • Taking Medicines Under the Supervision

Having PCOS doesn’t mean that you can never have a baby. There are several medications available in the market that can assist in getting pregnant. However, it is strictly advised to see a specialist before taking any kind of fertility medicine. In Chandigarh, Dr Ruch Rai Ahuja is the specialist that you must visit. She has years of experience in handling cases of pregnancy-related PCOS. Dr Ruchi will assist at every step and clear all your doubts. 

  • Fertility Treatments 

With medical science advancement, there are several fertility treatments available that will make your dream come true. There is IVF or in vitro fertilisation and IUI or intrauterine insemination. Several studies show that IVF is a safer and more effective alternative to getting pregnant if you have PCOS. IUI is preferred as it is much more affordable and increases the chances of pregnancy. However, we recommend seeking professional advice for further information!

Final Takeaway 

So, this was all about PCOS causes, and symptoms and how to get pregnant if you have PCOS. We hope you find this information and help you find the best professional advice. However, if you are residing in Chandigarh or nearby, we highly suggest booking an appointment with the best infertility specialist in Chandigarh, Dr Ruchi Rai Ahuja. You can book an appointment online so book now!

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