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8 Things To ask While Choosing The Right Obstetrician For You

The Obstetrician is the specialist in the female reproductive system, contraception, pregnancy and menopause. When to consult it? How to find it? What to do before a consultation? Continue reading “8 Things To ask While Choosing The Right Obstetrician For You”

Tips for Exercise during Pregnancy

Delivery Doctor in Chandigarh.

Exercising can be helpful in benefitting a pregnant woman’s physical as well as mental health during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman keeps herself fit and active during pregnancy then that will help her in accepting challenges in the future like labor and delivery. On other hand, the women who sit idle and do nothing during this period can be harmful to their and their baby’s health. If you were physically active or do some kind of exercise then you can continue your activity with modifications if necessary. But before doing anything else in this condition, you must consult the Best Gyanecologist in Chandigarh so that no problem may occur afterward. Continue reading “Tips for Exercise during Pregnancy”

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