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Piles: Myths and Facts

Myths and Facts

Haemorrhoids or Piles can be an embarrassing subject to discuss with family, friends or doctors for many people, but it should not be. It is a common problem and approximately 75% of people suffer from this problem at some point in their life. But many myths are popular among people about haemorrhoids because of their symptoms, causes and treatments so first of all, everyone must sort facts from fiction about haemorrhoids (Piles). Continue reading “Piles: Myths and Facts”

Oral Cancer and Its Causes

Oral Cancer and Its Causes

Oral Cancer and Its Causes – Just like other types of cancers, oral cancer is also one type of this disease in which the mouth and back of the throat area are included. The areas of developing oral cancer can be the tissue lining the mouth and gums, lips, roof of the mouth, on the tongue, at the base of the tongue and the area of the throat at the back of the mouth. This type of cancer is found in 3% of all types of cancers diagnosed annually or can say that 53000 new cases come to light every year. Continue reading “Oral Cancer and Its Causes”

8 Bad Habits That Increase Risk of Cancer

Ahuja Clinic

Lifestyle puts a positive as well as a negative effect on our health and it depends upon the types of habits. If someone has good habits then he will remain healthy and fit during his lifetime, on the other hand, people having bad habits are caught by serious diseases and shorten their lives by themselves. Continue reading “8 Bad Habits That Increase Risk of Cancer”

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