We believe every interaction with our patients is an opportunity!

What Not to Say to a Cancer Patient?

It is the most difficult situation for patients’ care taker or loved ones that what to say or what not to say to the patient. Because sometimes our minor activity or inappropriate saying can hurt the patient. So it is very much important to find out right words to talk with the person having cancer. Continue reading “What Not to Say to a Cancer Patient?”

What cancer patients need to know about COVID-19 vaccine booster?

Cancer Specialist in Chandigarh

Just like healthy people, cancer patients or the people having history of cancer are also confused about whether or not, they should go for Covid-19 booster shot. But it is recommendation by CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) that they can surely go for this vaccine if they answer some of the queries that are required for them because they have increased risk of serious illness   from Covid-19. They must consult their doctor about getting vaccinated. If you have any doubt about your disease and Covid-19 then you can take help of Cancer Specialist in Chandigarh. Continue reading “What cancer patients need to know about COVID-19 vaccine booster?”

Oral Cancer and Its Causes

Oral Cancer and Its Causes

Oral Cancer and Its Causes – Just like other types of cancers, oral cancer is also one type of this disease in which the mouth and back of the throat area are included. The areas of developing oral cancer can be the tissue lining the mouth and gums, lips, roof of the mouth, on the tongue, at the base of the tongue and the area of the throat at the back of the mouth. This type of cancer is found in 3% of all types of cancers diagnosed annually or can say that 53000 new cases come to light every year. Continue reading “Oral Cancer and Its Causes”

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