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Overcoming 9 common early pregnancy problems

Early pregnancy can come with a lot of surprises. Especially when it’s your first time getting pregnant there might be a lot of things that you don’t know. Dr. Ahuja, the best lady doctor in Chandigarh has briefed us about everything we need to know to overcome 9 common early pregnancy problems. 


What are the first signs of pregnancy?


  • Missed period :- A ton of women that we know first suspected their pregnancy when they missed a period. Although you could miss your period for plenty of reasons like PCOS, pregnancy is one of the most common ones.
  • Swollen Breasts :- During pregnancy your body undergoes a lot of changes and according to the best gynecologist in Chandigarh tender or swollen breasts are one of the earliest ones of them.
  • Nausea :- Nausea is one of the most widely known pregnancy symptoms. It can be accompanied with morning sickness i.e. vomiting or you could just feel nauseated without actually experiencing any vomiting. Anyway, this can become really hard for new mothers to get used to or deal with.
  • Increased urination :- One of the many changes that new mothers experience during their pregnancy is increased urination. As your body gets ready to home your baby your bladder might experience more rush than usual and result in decreased capacity to hold. Therefore, you experience less and less bladder control with each passing day during your 9 months of pregnancy.

Fatigue :- This is the most complained about symptom from new mothers as it makes it really hard for you to get through the day without getting tired while following the same routine that you have been following for years now.

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