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Laser Gynaecology Treatment In Chandigarh

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Laser Gynaecology Treatment in Chandigarh – Laser treatment in gynaecology or laser therapy is a medical treatment that is considered to be less painful than traditional surgery methods. LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation in which a strong beam of light is used to cut, burn, or destroy the tissue. Other than gynaecology problems,  Lasers can be used for many medical purposes. It allows the surgeon to perform more complex tasks, reduce blood loss, decrease postoperative discomfort, and reduce the chance of wound infection. If you are interested in knowing more about lace gynaecology treatment in Chandigarh, then you have come to the right place. 

Firstly, let’s understand Cosmetic Gynecology. Cosmetic Gynecology is a sub-set and progressively growing segment in the cosmetic surgery industry. Some procedures may not be medically necessary but vital for enhancing the performance and function of the vagina. In the present time, there are rising cases of people demanding quality gynaecological procedures in Chandigarh due to the rising awareness in the digital world. 

What is Laser Treatment In Gynaecology? 

There could be many reasons a woman has to undergo gynaecology surgery. Gynaecological surgery refers to any surgery performed on the organs and tissues of the female reproductive system, including the uterine, ovary, cervical, fallopian tube, vaginal and vulvar tissues. Lasers treat the early stages of some cancers, including cervical cancer, penile cancer, vaginal cancer, vulvar cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, and basal cell skin cancer.

Laser therapy is also used cosmetically – 

Furthermore, laser therapy does not remain specific to some cancerous diseases or the removal of internally affected body organs. A new branch has been added to Gynecology treatment called cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is the treatment given to the skin of any part of the body that a person wants to restore, remove scars, skin tightening, or beautify appearance. Here at Chandigarh, laser cosmetic gynaecology treatments available such as – 

  • Remove Warts ( a small, hard, benign growth on the skin, caused by a virus), moles, birthmarks, and sunspots
  • Unwanted  Hair Removal
  • Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation or Femilift
  • Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)
  • Hymenoplasty or Hymen Repair Surgery
  • Reduce  Wrinkles, Blemishes, or scars
  • Remove Tattoos
  • Vulvodynia
  • Labiaplasty
  • Hymenoplasty
  • Recurrent infection

Why is Cosmetic Gynaecology Laser Treatment Painless and How Is It Performed?

Laser treatment includes minimal pain in comparison to traditional surgeries or open surgeries where the tissue or the internally affected body organ has to be removed through a cut or incision which usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to recover and get back to normal. Laser surgery, on the other hand, only takes 2 or 3 days to recover because it uses laser energy to gently soften and break excess skin to be easily removed. Also, cosmetic gynae laser treatment is more precise, and cuts can be made shorter and shallower. This causes less tissue damage and heals early.

  • It is a non-invasive and safe treatment that helps to remove the unwanted tissue precisely  Because the laser beam is so small and exact, it allows the doctor to safely treat tissue without harming the surrounding area. 
  • It might cause discomfort and sensations during the treatment. but the beam does not pose any health risks to the patient. 
  • Although, in laser treatment, a patient may experience some similarities to open surgery like mild pain, bleeding, scarring, etc.
  • Furthermore, it depends upon the suggestions and experience of your medical specialist that will help you to recover soon and what precautions they ask you to put in the habit to cure early.

Benefits of Laser Therapy 

Dr. Ahuja uncovered some major benefits that compelled her to spread clarity regarding laser treatment and let the patients know how beneficial and successful outcomes it gives after some minor discomfort and manageable issues. Here is the list of benefits it includes. 

  • Fast Recovery Time- The recovery time after laser therapy depends on the type of laser treatment you received and to what extent your body was impacted. Usually, patients heal faster than recover from open surgery.  
  • Non-invasive method – it involves no blood loss, no cuts, no stitches, and no other surgical tools. 
  • Recommendation for patients – it is the most recommended method by our doctors especially for people with diabetes, cancer, haemophilia, asthma, and cardiac disorders.
  • Takes a short time to be done – Laser operations are usually shorter; they can often be done on an outpatient basis meaning the patient doesn’t have to spend the night in the hospital.
  • Can Use OTC medicines– Since after the laser treatment patients may experience mild pain, bleeding, swelling, or discomfort, taking over-the-counter medicines can help to get relief from them easily. 

Best Laser Cosmetic Gynaecology Treatment In Chandigarh – Dr Ahuja Clinic 

Dr Ahuja Clinic is one of the best cosmetic gynaecology clinics in Chandigarh. Run by highly experienced doctors is launching its Skin Care & Cosmetic Gynae Clinic in Chandigarh “SKIN GENIEE” soon. So, if you have any queries regarding any of the cosmetic gynaecology treatments or regarding the laser treatments, feel free to reach out to us! Dr Ahuja Clinic’s team is always glad to assist you!

Contact Details 

Name – Dr Ahuja Clinic

Address – #109 sector 18 A, Chandigarh PIN 160018 (near Rotary Club)

Phone Number – +91-6284862829

Email Id – alokahujaruchirai@gmail.com

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