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8 Things To ask While Choosing The Right Obstetrician For You

The Obstetrician is the specialist in the female reproductive system, contraception, pregnancy and menopause. When to consult it? How to find it? What to do before a consultation? Continue reading “8 Things To ask While Choosing The Right Obstetrician For You”

Can I Get Pregnant After a Cervical Biopsy?: Everything You need to know

Can I get pregnant after a cervical biopsy?

The cervix is a narrow path that connects the vagina to the uterus. This is where the sperm travels across to become an embryo and finally attach itself to the wall of the uterus. The cervix plays a vital role in conceiving and therefore it is most important that it remains healthy. Continue reading “Can I Get Pregnant After a Cervical Biopsy?: Everything You need to know”

Monitoring your baby in labor

While your journey from getting pregnant to going into labor is long and crucial, Labor is still considered as the most dreadful part by most mothers and we agree that it can get scary at times when proper care is not provided to both the baby and its mother. This is where monitoring your baby in labor comes in.  Baby monitoring has been around for over 350 years now. In fact electronic fetal monitoring was only introduced in the 1970s before that the doctors, nurses and midwives used a fetoscope to listen to the fetal heartbeat.  Continue reading “Monitoring your baby in labor”

Do You Know About Cryptic Pregnancy?

Do You Know About Cryptic Pregnancy?

Sometimes women get pregnant but they don’t know about their pregnancy. In that case, pregnancy is called cryptic pregnancy or stealth pregnancy. Although cryptic pregnancy is very rare it can be a condition in which, someone is hoping to be pregnant and becomes convinced that she is, even after getting a negative report of urine or blood test. There can be different reasons even after seven months of pregnancy. To make sure about your situation, you must consult the Best Gynecologist in Chandigarh. Continue reading “Do You Know About Cryptic Pregnancy?”

PCOS – Means, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

PCOS – Means, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

There are lots of gynecological problems, and out of them, many are unknown to most of the women. If someone doesn’t know about any problem then how will she pay attention towards that? PCOS is one of the unknown gynecological problems. If you notice something uncommon in yourself such as hairy, acne, irregular periods then you can have the PCOS problem and immediately consult the Best Gynecologist in Chandigarh. Continue reading “PCOS – Means, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment”

How to Manage Anxiety during Pregnancy

Every woman has different experience during pregnancy. Some are filled with joy, excitement and energy to welcome their little one whereas others may suffer from different kinds of problems which make them anxious. As you are going to become parents to an adorable, tiny human being, so you may have a great variety of emotions but keep in mind that don’t let the anxiety make you depressed. Isn’t pregnancy time supposed to be a time of joy and happiness? But if you become anxious then it can be more complicated. If you are anxious during pregnancy then you need of well-experienced and knowledgeable Gynaecologist in Chandigarh. Continue reading “How to Manage Anxiety during Pregnancy”

Importance of Folic Acid during Pregnancy

Having a healthy baby is everyone’s dream. If your baby is healthy before and after birth that means you are healthy too. During pregnancy, most of the women face so many difficulties. Some of the problems are temporary whereas others can have serious problem like having any kind of birth-defect in a baby that can be painful for a mother and the baby throughout the life. So before conception and during pregnancy, you have to take extra care of yourself so that you may get a healthy baby. But the most important thing that you must keep in your mind is, you should take enough folic acid everyday that will be helpful in preventing serious birth defects in your baby. For getting proper information about dose and duration of this medicine, you must consult the Best Gynaecologist in Chandigarh who guide at every step. Continue reading “Importance of Folic Acid during Pregnancy”

How Stress Affects Your Baby Before and After Birth

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To bring a new person into this world is too much difficult task that has been gifted to a woman by God. You have so many worries regarding this such as eating habits, exercise, parenthood, and many more. A little bit of stress is normal because there are so many changes in the body as well as other things that make you restless. But if you are stressed constantly during this period then it can be problematic for you as well as for your baby. Too much stress creates other stress hormones that works like a burst and makes your heart pump faster just like when you are in danger. Continue reading “How Stress Affects Your Baby Before and After Birth”

Vaginal Birth After C-section

Vaginal Birth after C-section

Women who have delivered their previous babies through c-section and they are pregnant again have lots of queries and confusions in their minds that whether or not they can deliver baby vaginally in future. The answer is very simple and clear and i.e. yes, they can. The success score of vaginal birth after c-section is 60% – 80%. But keep in mind that this option cannot be for everyone and for confirmation; you must consult your health care provider and make each and everything clear about your case.  For getting proper information, you can consult the Best Gynecologist in Chandigarh. Continue reading “Vaginal Birth After C-section”

Bleeding after Miscarriage: Every woman should need to know

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Miscarriage means loss of pregnancy that usually occurs within first trimester. It is that condition about which no woman may expect while she is hoping to expand her family. Although this is a natural occurring yet it gives guilt to expectant mother for her negligence towards her health or taking care of herself. Most of the time, the very symptom of miscarriage is bleeding that indicates an expectant mother, something went wrong. Sometimes bleeding does not necessarily means miscarriage but if you experience any kind of bleeding during pregnancy then you must visit Best Gynecologist in Chandigarh for confirmation. Continue reading “Bleeding after Miscarriage: Every woman should need to know”

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