Contemplating abortion can be a difficult and emotional experience. It makes a lot of sense, and it’s very reasonable to press on. Not everyone is an honest person to talk to. Access to professional counselling is optional. How a counsellor handles your situation can be the difference between being heard and supported, and feeling judged and guilty. Counselling is self-care- When you are alone and depressed, counselling can have a positive effect on your mental and emotional health.
Importance of Counseling and Support in Abortion Care
This section focuses on the specific counselling needs of women who have experienced infertility. This includes women who have had an abortion and women who have had an abortion.
The term abortion refers to the medical termination of pregnancy. Abortion is the unwanted termination of pregnancy. Abortion (elective abortion) is the termination of pregnancy through surgery, medication, or other methods. The emotional needs of a woman who has killed a child may be different from that of a woman who has been murdered. However, there are many affinities between the two situations. Some women are depressed, anxious, or depressed. During pregnancy, a woman worries that something she did caused the disease.
The counsellor is important to support the woman to work through all the emotions she is experiencing, to help her deal with those emotions and practical issues, such as how to communicate Help to others and communicate back to others. Support him in planning the care he needs later.
Ways to Provide Information and Support After an Abortion
Women who have had an abortion should receive clear, concise, and written information about how to take care of themselves after leaving the hospital and know the warning signs to watch out for. In addition, information and guidelines for prevention should be provided. Women can experience a variety of emotions after giving birth. A health worker can support them during this difficult time.
Building an alliance with the woman:
The counsellor’s first step is to build a relationship with the woman. This relationship is the foundation that motivates the woman to go to the meeting. Building relationships is very important after a traumatic birth. Key skills for building relationships include showing empathy, overcoming shared beliefs, values, and attitudes, and active listening.
Ability to empathize with the person you are counselling:
Empathy means understanding the woman’s situation from her point of view and trying to empathize with her feelings. Empathy is putting yourself in the woman’s place and trying to see how she sees, thinks, and considers the influence of her family, education, culture, and circumstances. This is hard to do, especially if we reject what someone has done because of our own beliefs, values, and attitudes.
Ability to overcome beliefs, values, and attitudes:
Sometimes health workers refuse to provide services if they believe a person has done something they don’t consent to and may be doing harm because they think the woman is suffering because of ignorance or wrongdoing. This applies to abortion, and many people’s beliefs and attitudes.
We all have our values and beliefs and it is important not to impose them on others. In any society, it is unlikely that everyone will have the same attitudes, values, and beliefs, as many factors are linked to individual experiences. While everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and attitudes, healthcare professionals are responsible for not letting these become barriers to care. You must look at yourself and understand how your beliefs, values, and attitudes affect your interactions with women or what you say and do.
Active listening is another skill you need to practice to build a relationship. Active listening means you are listening carefully. You can do this through movements, sounds, and body language. You can repeat what you were told. Another active listening technique is to use questions that show you have heard what the woman has to say.
When you’re counselling a woman after an emotional experience like a miscarriage, you’re at risk. To summarize the above, counselling plays an important role in abortion clinics to support patient selection. It’s not about giving them information but providing guidance and emotional support. Counsellors help patients access their needs and ensure that the patient receives appropriate healthcare services without stress or fear.