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Breast lump causes and treatment at Dr Ahuja Clinic Chandigarh

Breast lumps can be cancerous / non cancerous. It is to be noted that more than 70% of the lumps are not cancers (benign).
Discrete lumps that are benign (non cancerous) are the ones that are distinct (clear cut margins), persistent and are relatively unchanging. They are important as they must be distinguished from cancer.

The common causes of non cancerous lumps are:

  • Fibroadenomas / giant fiboadenoma / phylloides tumour)
  • Cysts
  • Galactoceoles


Simple fibroadenoma is the most common solid benign tumour of the female breast and is the most common breast tumour in women less than 25 years of age. They can be found any time after the onset of puberty. But are most frequently found in women in their third decade. Sometimes they are easily perceived by postmenopausal women after the breasts start to shrink due to deficiency of female hormones. These lumps are known to have receptors for the female hormone ‘estrogens’ and hence there is fluctuation in the size of this lump with each menstrual cycle..Due to these hormonal influences there may be sudden increase in size of the lump during pregnancy and shrinkage at the time of menopause. These lumps are painless and slip under the fingers when touched and typically very slow growing.
On examination the fibroadenoma is painless, with well defined margins, freely movable in the breast and slips below the examining fingers (hence often referred as the :”breast mouse”) . They are usually rubbery and firm. Smaller fibroadenomas can be followed up (after proper assessment and ruling out breast cancer), whereas larger ones like ones more than 2.5 cm need to be removed. Once removed they do not reoccur at the site.
Diagnosis of fibroadenamoas is made by triple assessment i.e.
-Clinical examination by a breast specialist in a breast clinic ,
-Radiological assessment: Ultrasound (age less than 35 yrs)/ mammography (age more than 35 yrs)
– Pathological assessment: Biopsy (FNAC/trucut/excision).

Giant Fibroadenomas

Giant fibroadenomas are fibroadeniomas more than 5 cm in size/or occupying >80%of breasts/ or 500 g in size . Diagnosis is made by triple assessment and treatment is removal of the tumour.

Phylloides tumour

These are very rare type of fibroadenomas that are very fast in growth and they have a potential to spread locally and are notorious in recurring again at the site of removal. It is most common at the age of 40 -50 yrs. It is quite a frustrating situation for the patient and the surgeon. Some such tumours may become cancerous.
Diagnosis is made by triple assessment.
Its treatment is a wide surgical excision.


A cyst is made up of a fluid filled sac embedded in the breast tissue. These cysts can be silent or painful or they may be perceived as lumps in the breast. The feel of lump on touch depends on how much fluid is there in it so it can be soft/firm. Generally the cyst is single or solitary. Sometimes they are found in a cluster and are felt like a bunch of grapes. N
Sometimes nipple discharge can be associated with big cysts. The main significance of this is that it needs to be differentiated from cancer.


Is simply a milk filled cyst formed by over distension of a lactiferous (milk) duct. It usually presents as a painless mass in the breast. One can easily diagnose it by putting in a needle and aspirating milk.
Diagnosis of the cyst is made by triple assessment.

Treatment is by aspirating the fluid (which can be sent to lab for testing). Rapidly refilling cyst may be excised.
For treatment of breast lumps contact Breast Specialists in Chandigarh : Dr Alok Ahuja / Dr Ruchi Rai Ahuja @ Ahuja Clinic

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