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Breast cancer treatment at Dr Ahuja Clinic Chandigarh

Breast cancer is a disease where cells in the breast tissue divide and grow rapidly without normal control.  So the body loses control over the abnormal cells and these cells grow into a lump, start invading the nearby areas (local invasion ) and then spread to various parts of the body through blood and lymph nodes( metastasis).

Breast cancer is the leading cause of morbidity (illness) and mortality (cancer deaths) in our country. It’s a global health crisis and the numbers don’t lie. According to the WHO in the year 2020, 2.3 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer and it caused 6, 85,000 deaths worldwide. So somewhere in the world a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 19 seconds and a woman dies of breast cancer every 60 seconds. Female breast cancer has surpassed lung cancer as the most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide. In India, breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in females followed by cervical cancer. Each year over 2,300 women & 25 men are diagnosed with breast cancer &  nearly 700 people die from breast cancer. The lifetime risk of breast cancer in women is  1 in 10 women.

Breast cancer can occur from very young in 20 s to elderly in 70 s -80s. incidence increases at the time of menopause and then slows down.

Though it occurs more commonly in females, it can also occur in males (much lesser numbers).

Lethality: as the breast is growing and under in influence of hormonal events in the younger years, it tends to be more aggressive in the younger years. While it grows at a very slow pace in the elderly.it is more aggressive in those who have not borne children as there is no breaking up in the estrogen /progesterone cycle on the breasts.

Dr Ruchi Rai Ahuja is the Best Gynaecologist in Chandigarh and is also a Breast Specialist


When to suspect breast cancer?

  • Breast lump: an initially painless rapidly growing lump in the breast /sudden change in a previously existing breast lump
  • Nipple discharge: Blood-stained nipple discharge
  • Nipple inversion: a previously normal nipple which becomes pulled inwards.
  • Breast skin changes: an orange peel-like appearance of the skin over the breast (peau de orange). thickening or puckering of skin, or inflamed/ red/flaky look of the areolar region of the breast
  • Any change in the shape/size of the breast
  • Strong family history

Cancer breast is known to run in families. So women who have a history of cancer breast in their first/second-degree family relatives (Mother, sister, grandmother, aunt) are at a higher risk of developing it as compared to the general population

BRACA 1&2 gene carriers are at a higher risk also.

If you have any of the above symptoms don’t hesitate to consult the team of Breast Specialists  in Chandigarh at Ahuja Clinic ie Dr Ruchi Rai Ahuja & Dr Alok Ahuja


  1. High levels of estrogen increase the risk of breast cancer and this may happen if one has
  2. Early age at menarche(Periods starting at an early age)
  3. Late age at menopause(periods stop late in life )
  4. Nulliparity (those who have not borne children)
  5. Late age at first childbirth
  6. Obesity
  7. High-fat intake
  8. Excess alcohol consumption
  9. Exposure to Ionizing radiation(like X-rays)
  10. Certain types of benign breast disease  

Other Factors:

  1.  History of Other Cancer, a history of cancer in the other breast or a history of ovarian or endometrial cancer
  2. Increasing age
  3. Environmental (pollution/carcinogens)/lifestyle (lack of exercise/obesity /unhealthy diet)
  4. Family History Cancer breast is known to run in families. So women who have a history of cancer breast in their first/second-degree family relatives (Mother, sister, grandmother, aunt) are at a higher risk of developing it as compared to the general population
  5. Genetic abnormality (5-10%)
  6. BRCA1/2 gene carriers
  7. The incidence of breast cancer increases with age it’s uncommon before age 25 years
  8. Approx 10% of breast cancer is due to
  9.    inherited genetic predisposition
  10. A woman whose mother or sister has
  11.    had breast cancer is at ­relative risk 2
  12.    to 3 times compared to other women
  13. 70% of breast cancer cases occur in women who have no identifiable risk factors.  


 Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices

  • Add exercise into your routine and maintain a healthy weight
  • Limit alcohol intake
  • Limit menopausal hormone use/ oral contraceptive pills
  • Breastfeed, if you can for as long as possible


Diagnosis of any breast lump is done by triple assessment  by a Breast Specialist which includes Clinical examination,  Radiology &Pathological examination

Clinical breast examination (CBE) consists of history (the breast specialist will ask questions) and physical examination by a breast specialist, Accuracy of clinical breast examination is reported to have a sensitivity of 68-80%. It consists of basically the same manoeuvres as Breast Self Examination (BSE )

Radiological examination :

USG(Ultrasound of the breast) in women  < 35 years of age is done initially to diagnose breast cancer.

Mammography  is preferred for women >35 years of age

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) is helpful in certain cases.

A whole-body PET scan is also available to see for spread of the cancer.

Pathological examination:

Today, a biopsy is needed to make a diagnosis of breast cancer

 In a biopsy, cells/piece of breast tissue is removed from the area of the breast where an abnormality was found and studied in a lab under a microscope.

There are several ways a biopsy can be done, some with a needle (FNAC) and some in the operating room. The findings from a biopsy are reported by a pathologist by examination of the cells/piece under the microscope. The doctor then releases a pathology report.

Biopsy can be done by either of the following:

  • FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology)
  • Core biopsy
  • Excision biopsy

Ultrasound-guided core biopsy can be done also if the cancer is deep-seated / lump is difficult to palpate.

Treatment Of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer treatment in Chandigarh

  • Local treatments


lumpectomy, reconstruction

– Radiation Radiotherapy RT

  • Systemic treatments

– Chemotherapy CCT

– Hormone therapy

– Targeted biologic therapy/ immunotherapy[y

  • . Breast reconstruction

Can be done with either external or internal silicon implants depending on the age group or choice of the patient.

Treatment depends on the age of the patient and the stage of breast cancer

Surgery is done for small tumours in large breasts and in the younger age group, the preferred procedure is BCS (breast conservative surgery)ie wide local excision of the tumour with axillary clearance. This is followed by CCT and RT.

For large tumours in smaller breasts / middle age, group / elderly patients: MRM Modified Radical Mastectomy i.e. removal of entire breast along with axillary lymph nodes is done. CCT & RT have to be given as adjuvant treatment depending on the individual patient.

Immunotherapy and hormonal therapy are recent advances in the treatment armamentarium.

Dr Alok Ahuja is the Best Breast Cancer Surgeon in Chandigarh

Dr Ruchi Rai Ahuja is the Best Breast specialist in Chandigarh

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