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Bleeding after Miscarriage: Every woman should need to know

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Miscarriage means loss of pregnancy that usually occurs within first trimester. It is that condition about which no woman may expect while she is hoping to expand her family. Although this is a natural occurring yet it gives guilt to expectant mother for her negligence towards her health or taking care of herself. Most of the time, the very symptom of miscarriage is bleeding that indicates an expectant mother, something went wrong. Sometimes bleeding does not necessarily means miscarriage but if you experience any kind of bleeding during pregnancy then you must visit Best Gynecologist in Chandigarh for confirmation.

If it is 6-7 weeks of pregnancy termination, then after miscarriage, sometimes your uterus empties through bleeding but in some other cases, your fetus dies and womb doesn’t empty because of no bleeding. This condition is called missed miscarriage. There are some facts related to miscarriage that every woman should need to know which are mentioned below: –

    • Miscarriage is Common: – Many people have myth in their mind that miscarriage occurs due their negligence towards but actually it is much more common than you think. About ½ to 1/3 of the pregnancies end before the person knows that she is pregnant whereas 10% -20% people know that they are pregnant, face miscarriage problem. It usually occurs before 20 weeks, a risk reduces with increasing progress of pregnancy. With the increasing age of mother, the risk of miscarriage goes up.
  • Main Symptoms – Bleeding and Cramping: – The most common symptom of miscarriage is bleeding and cramping. At that moment, you must get checked by your doctor, if any of both happens. Your doctor will diagnose through physical exam as well as through ultrasound.
  • Post-miscarriage Treatment Option: – Once, miscarriage is confirmed by doctor, you can have three options and you can choose any of them as per your wish.
  • Firstly, you can wait and remaining pregnancy tissues will be passed naturally taking up to two weeks process.
  • Secondly, you can take medication as per your doctor’s prescription that will be helpful in expelling the tissues within a week.
  • At last, you can go for D&C surgery to remove tissues inside the uterus. This type of treatment is recommended if bleeding is heavy or an infection is suspected.

All the processes are equally effective and safe. You can discuss about the procedure with Gynecologist in Chandigarh who will lead you to right path according to your health.

  • No need of any test after single miscarriage: – Some people have misconception in their minds that after one miscarriage, before planning for next pregnancy they should go for particular test for evaluation but actually after two or more miscarriages, there is an increased risk of miscarriage in future. After many miscarriages your doctor suggests you to test and evaluation to find out the root cause of this problem.
  • Feeling of Guilt: – Most of women tend to beat themselves up needlessly after miscarriage because they think that due to them only, miscarriage occurs. But the study says that working, exercising, having intercourse and contraceptive pills before pregnancy do not cause early pregnancy loss.
  • Mostly women get pregnant again: – The women who have miscarriage get pregnant again and give birth to healthy child in future and that loss is recovered in next pregnancy and couples become happy to get the healthy child.

There can be lots of reasons behind miscarriage but timely consultation with gynecologist can sort out the issue in the beginning and proper treatment can be taken to recover the health of expectant mother. For more information regarding healthy pregnancy, you can visit to the Best Gynecologist near me.

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