An abortion is a physically and psychologically challenging situation. Any lady who undergoes an abortion (for any reason) or unfortunately has a miscarriage needs to eat right to recover from the episode. Correct nutrition is needed to recover from the hormonal changes that occur due to a pregnancy and its termination, blood lost needs to be replenished and the uterus needs to involute (come back to its original size) and regenerate its lining.
So here comes the role of right nutrition for the sake of replenishing the energy, building immunity covering up for the blood loss and for mood elevation. Let us discuss the components of the diet post abortion one by one.
Post abortion one needs to gain back energy to recover from the acute blood loss. Energy can be gained by taking balanced meals one containing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats). But most of the times due to hormonal changes and changes in the digestive system (due to pregnancy hormones )one is not able to take three proper meals . So one can split the meals into six smaller meals and avoid abdominal discomfort and fullness. Broadly one can take the following energy giving foods:
Iron is especially important for formation of red blood cells and increasing the haemoglobin levels.
Iron rich foods are
Vitamin C is required to build up immunity (ability to fight infections) it is essentially also required to be present in the body for haemoglobin synthesis along with iron. It also helps in iron absorption.
Foods rich in vitamin C are:
Citrus fruits, papaya, green peppers, spinach, bell peppers strawberries, amla, pineapple, kiwi and guava.
Acts by helping to mobilize calcium in the body to where it is needed and for building up the body’s immunity
Folic acid helps in formation of RBC s and also reducing mental stress.
Following are good sources of folic acid:
Dark green leafy vegetables
Fortified cereals broccoli
Oranges and strawberries
Helps in tackling anxiety and takes care of bone and teeth health. Deficiency may cause osteoporosis or brittle bones later on in life.
They are important for recovery
P ulses , milk paneer , tofu, nuts
Meat, fish, egg
They are a sourge of vitamins and minerals as well as good source of fibre. They help one avoid constipation as well, which is very common after aborton.
Small amounts of fats are needed in the body for the functioning of the nerves and also for absorption of the fat soluble vitamins. Omega 3 is a kind of good fat
Sources- flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, soya beans, soya bean oil, walnut and olive
One must take 8 to 12 glasses of water every day to keep the system hydrated.
In nutshell one should try to take a balanced diet as per food pyramid i.e. 5 to 6 servings of rice/ cereals , 2 servings of fruits and vegetables,2 to 3 servings of protein rich food& small amounts of fats and oils.
One should avoid sodas, alcohol, junk foods, spicy food and soya after abortion.
The Gynaecologist / abortion specialist doctor will also prescribe you adequate tablets of iron , calcium ,multi vitamins and vitamin D as per her discretion and assessment of your body health/ needs.its always good to go for routine follow-ups to a lady specialist doctor near me/ abortion clinics near me. Dr Ruchi Rai Ahuja is an abortion specialist doctor in Chandigarh.
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