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Improve your Normal Delivery Chance

Improve your Normal Delivery Chance

Motherhood makes a woman complete and giving birth to a child is an important milestone in a mother’s life. But normal delivery is considered a natural way of giving birth to a baby as compared to cesarean section. This is preferred by most mothers and the reason behind it is, that it helps in having a healthy baby while ensuring a speedy recovery for the new mother. If you don’t have a medical condition then it is not difficult to have a natural childbirth. If you choose this option then this means you trust in yourself and your body. Continue reading “Improve your Normal Delivery Chance”

10 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Specialist in Chandigarh

10 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer – Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women nowadays. It is difficult to diagnose when a woman is in her 30s because, at this time, she starts planning her future and family and often neglects changes in her breasts. A massive number of women are suffering from this life-threatening disease and seeking the best possible ways to prevent the risk. In today’s article, we are going to explore what breast cancer is and how it affects the human body. As well as we are also going to provide you with the best 10 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer, which will help you in getting stay away from this condition.

If you’re worried about the risk of breast cancer, you might be wondering what steps you can take to reduce that risk. While you can’t alter certain risk factors, like family history, but you can adopt lifestyle changes to lower your chances of developing the disease. Fortunately, people have become more conscious of their health and they immediately consult with their doctor if they find any unnecessary changes in their breasts. Also as we mention we are going to serve 10 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer that will reduce the chance of breast cancer occurring. 

Continue reading “10 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer”

Eight Things You Should Know About When You Suffer From Piles (Hemorrhoids)

Haemorrhoids: Signs, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Haemorrhoids: Signs, Diagnosis, and Treatment – Studies suggest that by the age of 50 or above, more than half of the population has experienced one or more symptoms of Piles. They feel itching at the lower part, bleeding while passing stools, pain and prolapsed piles (where a mass is felt in the anal area). Piles or Hemorrhoids can significantly disturb the well-being of an individual. People feel shy while consulting doctors when they have this problem. But it is advisable not to be hesitant. Consult your health care expert and open up about your disease. On the other hand, if you start treatment by yourself, your problem can become worse. If you are not sure about your problem then it is necessary to know about hemorrhoids/piles properly. Continue reading “Eight Things You Should Know About When You Suffer From Piles (Hemorrhoids)”

What are the five things you need to know when having GALL BLADDER STONE?

What is gall bladder stone?

First of all, you must be familiar with gall bladder stone or gallstone. So, as its name indicates, it is not a stone in reality but it is formed by hardened deposits of digestive fluid present in gall bladder. A gall bladder is a small, pear-shaped organ that is present just below the liver. There is digestive fluid in gall bladder named bile. Liver makes the bile whereas gall bladder stores it. When food passes through the stomach, gall bladder releases the bile into small intestine to help in digestion. Continue reading “What are the five things you need to know when having GALL BLADDER STONE?”

How to increase your chances of normal delivery : tips and tricks

Ahuja Clinic

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey towards motherhood . Every healthy pregnancy will end up with one being blessed with a little bundle of joy …your very own baby! Your positive attitude and the supervision of an expert doctor will help you sail through the journey easily . Continue reading “How to increase your chances of normal delivery : tips and tricks”

Epidural anaesthesia for painless labour. What is it?

Epidural anaesthesia for painless labour. What is it?

What is Epidural Anaesthesia?
Epidural anaesthesia is a procedure in which a very thin catheter is placed in the lower part of your back and a pain killer is injected through it. This medicine only blocks the sensation of nerves that cause pain during labour i.e. in the lower part of the body. There is pain relief without any other effect. Continue reading “Epidural anaesthesia for painless labour. What is it?”

Laughter the best medicine

Yes it is fun to have a hearty laugh but do you know it has medical benefits. Just like the apple a hearty laugh a day may also keep the doctor away!
You must have realised that your whole body gets relaxed after a laugh it is because it relaxes your mind as well as muscles. This is because certain feel good chemicals (endorphins ) are released from the body. Continue reading “Laughter the best medicine”

Contraceptive pills –Do they have side effects?

Ahuja Clinic

There are many contraceptive or birth control measures available in the market-oral contraceptive pill is one such method.

When taken correctly it is 99.9%effective in preventing pregnancy which means that it is one of the best contraceptives available. Continue reading “Contraceptive pills –Do they have side effects?”

Morning sickness in pregnancy. What to do?

Ahuja Clinic

What is morning sickness ?

Morning sickness is a very common symptom of pregnancy. It is a term used for the nausea one feels in the first trimester of pregnancy most commonly in the morning (though it may occur at other times of the day/all day long). In fact it is one of the signs of pregnancy. Though common it can be sometimes very distressing. Continue reading “Morning sickness in pregnancy. What to do?”

Can smoking prevent pregnancy?

Ahuja Clinic

Smoking (active/passive) is bad because it releases many ingredients which can harm your body. It is said that a cigarette smoke releases as many as 7000 toxic substances. Smoking causes osteoporosis, heart disease , 90% of deaths from lung cancer, 80% of deaths from COPD (severe lung disease) and 17% of deaths from stroke. So it goes without saying that it is extremely harmful for the body and there is no safe way to smoke. Besides this, smoking can affect your fertility and drastically reduce your chance of becoming pregnant. Continue reading “Can smoking prevent pregnancy?”

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