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What facts about abortion do I need to know?

Abortion Clinic in Chandigarh

When anyone hears the word “Abortion”, the feeling of guilty comes into their minds. Although the reason behind an abortion can be varied yet most of the people go for it as a right solution of their problem. One thing, that should be clear to everyone, is that an abortion is a safe procedure. If you are also one of them who have trapped in unwanted/unplanned pregnancy then you should visit Abortion Clinic in Chandigarh if you are located there or nearby places so that you can get right direction to walk on for getting rid of your problem. Continue reading “What facts about abortion do I need to know?”

Important Things Female and Teen Should Know About Ovarian Cysts

Important Things Female and Teen Should Know About Ovarian Cysts

People have a phobia with the name of the cyst. When they hear about ovarian cysts, they start thinking of pain and worrying about needing surgery. But the reality is different because various different types of cysts and some of them are just a part of the normal monthly cycle. After reading it completely, most of your doubts will be cleared. Continue reading “Important Things Female and Teen Should Know About Ovarian Cysts”

How to take care of Menstrual Hygiene during Menstrual Cycle

How to take care of Menstrual Hygiene during Menstrual Cycle

Menstruation is a symbol of healthy reproductive cycle of girls and women. Menstruation is still a taboo in many parts of the world and especially in rural or small towns where girls and women are not properly aware about this process and they face many kinds of difficulties. It is still considered as dirty and impure and it makes girls and women feel ashamed and embarrassed when they are menstruating. But the fact is, this time requires utmost and self-care. All girls and women should educate about menstrual cycle and importance of menstrual hygiene properly so that they may not suffer from adverse health outcomes. Continue reading “How to take care of Menstrual Hygiene during Menstrual Cycle”

Tips for Exercise during Pregnancy

Delivery Doctor in Chandigarh.

Exercising can be helpful in benefitting a pregnant woman’s physical as well as mental health during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman keeps herself fit and active during pregnancy then that will help her in accepting challenges in the future like labor and delivery. On other hand, the women who sit idle and do nothing during this period can be harmful to their and their baby’s health. If you were physically active or do some kind of exercise then you can continue your activity with modifications if necessary. But before doing anything else in this condition, you must consult the Best Gyanecologist in Chandigarh so that no problem may occur afterward. Continue reading “Tips for Exercise during Pregnancy”

Tips for Eating Healthy During Pregnancy

pregnancy clinic in chandigarh

No doubt, having a baby is an exciting moment that inspires a woman to adopt a healthy lifestyle for herself as well as for her baby. Although a healthy diet is required for day-to-day life yet it becomes essential if you are having a baby in your womb. A mom-to-be whatever eats or drinks during her pregnancy that becomes a source of nourishment for her baby. So it is a recommendation by experts for mom-to-be that she should add a variety of healthy foods and beverages that may provide essential nutrients to the baby’s needs for growth and development. Continue reading “Tips for Eating Healthy During Pregnancy”

What to Expect After Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Breast Cancer Specialist in Chandigarh.

At present, Breast cancer has become more common in women. It is a type of cancer that starts in breast when the breast cells begin to grow out of control. It can be diagnosis through x-ray or felt as lump. So if you feel any kind of lump in your breast, without delaying, you must consult Breast Disease Specialist in Chandigarh. Continue reading “What to Expect After Breast Cancer Diagnosis”

Essential Facts about Female Fertility

Lady Doctor in Chandigarh

Fertility is the most important and essential for each and every woman because due to that a woman can be capable to conceive. At a particular stage of life, every couple thinks about to start or expand their family so before going into practice, everyone must have proper knowledge about reproduction and female fertility so that one can make an informed decision or plan as best as one can for his journey ahead. Continue reading “Essential Facts about Female Fertility”

Five Important Things You Should Take Care after Delivery

Best Pregnancy Clinic in Chandigarh

A crucial and stressful period starts when you deliver your baby because this is the time when there are lots of changes in the schedule of the new mother and also increases the responsibility of a newborn baby. During this period, you and your partner also learn so many new things such as how to take care of a new baby, learning how to function as a changed family unit and many more things.

Continue reading “Five Important Things You Should Take Care after Delivery”

8 Bad Habits That Increase Risk of Cancer

Ahuja Clinic

Lifestyle puts a positive as well as a negative effect on our health and it depends upon the types of habits. If someone has good habits then he will remain healthy and fit during his lifetime, on the other hand, people having bad habits are caught by serious diseases and shorten their lives by themselves. Continue reading “8 Bad Habits That Increase Risk of Cancer”

Important Fact! Who is the best Gynecologist?

Important Fact! Who is the best Gynecologist?

The research study states that most of the women face difficulty revealing intimate issues to a doctor. Even they know that they are not different from those patients who have visited the clinic. The study also shows that no two women are the same generally as well as during the pregnancy journey. Each of the mum-to-be has different physical needs, wishes, wants. So for crossing all these obstacles, they need the best obstetrician-gynecologist who is expert in handling all kinds of situations and can care for them according to their needs. It sounds very simple when you start searching for gynae who can meet your needs but actually this is very overwhelming. Continue reading “Important Fact! Who is the best Gynecologist?”

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