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What Are The Causes Of Ovarian Cysts?

What are the causes of ovarian cysts?

What are the causes of ovarian cysts? – An ovarian cyst is quite common in India as nearly 25%of females suffer from ovarian cyst during their reproductive age group. It is a semi-solid sac in the ovaries. There are different causes of ovarian cysts, for instance, pelvic infection, pregnancy, and hormonal problems. These Ovarian Cysts are usually painless, and Symptomless. There are only signs of ovulation, in some conditions, they may need to be diagnosed and treated by removing them from the body.

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Ways to Reduce Symptoms of Menopause

Ways to Reduce Symptoms of Menopause

Ways to Reduce Symptoms of Menopause – Menopausal is usually associated with negative experiences and is seen as the end of womanhood. But actually, it is not true. It is a new chapter of life for a woman. There are a few symptoms associated with it that may affect the quality of life. But the good thing is that we can manage these symptoms with little effort. Here are going to discuss the ways to reduce symptoms of menopause. 

Ways to Reduce Symptoms of Menopause | Dr Ahuja Clinic

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Can Gallstones Be Removed Without Surgery?

Can Gallstones be removed without surgery?

Can Gallstones Be Removed Without Surgery – A gallstone is a hardened deposit of digestive fluid found in the gallbladder (a small organ located on the right-hand side of the abdomen, just below the liver). Gallbladders contain a digestive fluid known as bile that is passed into the small intestine. Yes, Gallstones can Be Removed Without Surgery. Non-surgical methods like oral dissolution therapy (Ursodiol) can be used to remove them. However, it’s important to note that this method doesn’t work for every type of gallstone. 

Can Gallstones Be Removed Without Surgery? 

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What Are The 5 Warning Signs Of Cervical Cancer?

What Are The 5 Warning Signs Of Cervical Cancer?

Usually Cervical cancer shows no symptoms as it develops slowly over time. Before it appears in the cervix, there are some changes in cells of cervix that are called dysplasia, it is a process in which abnormal cells start to appear in the cervical tissue.

If these abnormal cells are not destroyed or removed, they become cancer cells and start spreading deeply into the cervix and its surrounding areas which makes the condition severe.

One can reduce the risk of having cervical cancer by taking screening tests and receiving a vaccine that protects from HPV( human papillomavirus) infection. 

Here Dr Ahuja Clinic research team listed 6 Warning signs of cervical cancer:

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Tips To Prevent High-Risk Pregnancy

Tips To Prevent High-Risk Pregnancy

Tips To Prevent High-Risk Pregnancy – There are very few precious moments that people enjoy in their lives and pregnancy is one of those happiest moments that a couple eagerly waits for. This is a wonderful addition that a whole family waits for to welcome. If a female is pregnant or planning to conceive, health and safety becomes the foremost priority. Sometimes, this good news comes with a lot of tension and worry when a couple hears that there are some risks involved in her pregnancy.   Once a woman is diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy her OB/GYN usually refers her to a Maternal-Foetal Medicine Specialist who is professional to help such women facing unexpected problems in her pregnancy.

Tips To Prevent High-Risk Pregnancy

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Tips To Help Relieve PMS

Tips To Help Relieve PMS

Tips to Help Relieve PMS – PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome. It means a group of symptoms that occur in a female body before the menstruation period(premenstrual period). There are several symptoms of discomfort that a female may experience like mood swings, body aches, constipation, diarrhoea, etc. These are the mild and common symptoms that most females experience and PMS symptoms go away with time (if you are not pregnant) when the period starts and appropriate levels of hormones start rising.

Tips To Help Relieve PMS

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Early Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Early Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Early Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer – Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers that affects females and people assigned female at birth. Breast cancer happens when cancerous cells in your breasts multiply and develop into tumour forms. Near about 80% of breast cancer cases are invasive, meaning a tumour may spread from your breast to other areas of your body. In this article, Dr. Ahuja is spreading awareness of the early signs and symptoms of breast cancer. Continue reading “Early Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer”

Endometriosis Treatment Doctors In Chandigarh

Endometriosis treatment doctors in Chandigarh

Endometriosis treatment doctors in Chandigarh – Endometriosis treatment doctors in Chandigarh will be easy to find but to bring out the one who will prove trustworthy can be a tough nut to crack. Unfortunately, if you are Suffering from such a serious disease then you not only need to consult with a highly specified professional but also a cooperative and reputed one. Dr Ruchi Rai Ahuja is an expert lady doctor who diagnoses and treats the disease from its roots. 

Endometriosis treatment doctors in Chandigarh

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Hernia Treatment In Chandigarh

Hernia Treatment in Chandigarh

Hernia Treatment in Chandigarh – Hernia is among the common conditions the majority of the Indian population suffers from, mainly men. Due to genetics, Indians have lesser muscle mass, making them more susceptible to muscle weakness. So, low weight during birth leads to a high risk of congenital hernias, especially abdominal hernias. Also, lifestyle changes and less physical activity, further increase the chances of hernia. So, if you are also experiencing hernia symptoms like pain during coughing, lower abdomen pain, etc. then it is time to visit Dr Ahuja Clinic for the best hernia treatment in Chandigarh

Hernia Treatment in Chandigarh

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What Care Should Be Taken After Miscarriage

What Care Should Be Taken After Miscarriage

What care should be taken after miscarriage – Miscarriage is an unfortunate incident one can go through. There are mental as well as physical factors contributing that can affect the recovery after miscarriage. Doctors always give their 100% in saving the child but in some cases, it will not be a feasible option and even a risk for the mother itself. So, what care should be taken after a miscarriage? We will discuss all the signs, symptoms, diagnoses, and treatments of miscarriage. 

What Care Should Be Taken After Miscarriage

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