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5 Steps To Prevent Ovarian Cancer

Ahuja Clinic

“The word cancer is scary”

All cancers take their toll but ovarian cancer by itself is very deadly among cancers in women. The ovarian cancer is a silent killer because the symptoms are often vague ones like, gaseousness indigestion/bloating sensation or a frequent need to pass urine so a patient often presents in an advanced stage to the doctor. Continue reading “5 Steps To Prevent Ovarian Cancer”

Copper T – When to opt for it

Ahuja Clinic

Copper T is an intrauterine contraceptive device which is a very effective, safe and inexpensive contraceptive method especially for those who have borne children. The device is tiny and comes in the shape of a ‘T’ made up of plastic, wrapped in copper and hence the name “Copper T”. Continue reading “Copper T – When to opt for it”

Cesearean birth : what are the risks and benefits

Ahuja Clinic

Pregnancy ends with delivery which can be either vaginal delivery/ assisted vaginal delivery in the form of forceps/ ventouse or a cesearen section. Each type of delivery has its own pros and cons ie risks and benefits. Sometimes for the sake of mother or the baby or because of certain medical conditions you need go for caesarean delivery. These days the technique is such that it is very safe in good hands. Nevertheless since it’s a major operation in which we are opening the abdomen , some complications may arise. Continue reading “Cesearean birth : what are the risks and benefits”

Breast Cancer Screening : Importance

Ahuja Clinic

The word cancer is scary but breast cancer for a lady may be more so because it is associated with her sexuality and body image. Breast cancer occurs when cancer cells begins to grow uncontrollably in any part of the breast. Over the last few decades cervical cancer was the number one killer cancer of the ladies but the way the incidence of breast cancer is rising is really devastating. It is said that over the next few year s breast cancer will be the leading killer cancer amongst women. Continue reading “Breast Cancer Screening : Importance”

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