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Tips for Increasing a Low Milk Supply

Tips For Increasing A Low Milk Supply

New mums face a lot of problems and become worried. One of the most common reasons of their worry is, producing low breast milk for their babies. But data after survey shows that new mothers start off breastfeeding their kids but many of them stop in between due to insufficient milk production. Continue reading “Tips for Increasing a Low Milk Supply”

How Stress Affects Your Baby Before and After Birth

Ahuja Clinic

To bring a new person into this world is too much difficult task that has been gifted to a woman by God. You have so many worries regarding this such as eating habits, exercise, parenthood, and many more. A little bit of stress is normal because there are so many changes in the body as well as other things that make you restless. But if you are stressed constantly during this period then it can be problematic for you as well as for your baby. Too much stress creates other stress hormones that works like a burst and makes your heart pump faster just like when you are in danger. Continue reading “How Stress Affects Your Baby Before and After Birth”

Why to Undergo Laparoscopic Surgery for Hernia?

Why to Undergo Laparoscopic Surgery for Hernia?

Why Undergo Laparoscopic Surgery for Hernia? – Have you lifted a heavyweight, shifted a house, or spent regular time at the gym? If yes, then you will have to feel the strain on the body. Light exercise regularly is good for health but anything extra, is harmful to the body, undoubtedly. When you lift heavy objects continuously, especially without stabilizing your abdominal muscles, can lead to a condition that can be harmful as well as dangerous at the same time and this condition is called Hernia. Continue reading “Why to Undergo Laparoscopic Surgery for Hernia?”

Piles: Myths and Facts

Myths and Facts

Haemorrhoids or Piles can be an embarrassing subject to discuss with family, friends or doctors for many people, but it should not be. It is a common problem and approximately 75% of people suffer from this problem at some point in their life. But many myths are popular among people about haemorrhoids because of their symptoms, causes and treatments so first of all, everyone must sort facts from fiction about haemorrhoids (Piles). Continue reading “Piles: Myths and Facts”

Oral Cancer and Its Causes

Oral Cancer and Its Causes

Oral Cancer and Its Causes – Just like other types of cancers, oral cancer is also one type of this disease in which the mouth and back of the throat area are included. The areas of developing oral cancer can be the tissue lining the mouth and gums, lips, roof of the mouth, on the tongue, at the base of the tongue and the area of the throat at the back of the mouth. This type of cancer is found in 3% of all types of cancers diagnosed annually or can say that 53000 new cases come to light every year. Continue reading “Oral Cancer and Its Causes”

Obesity and Liver Disease

Obesity and Liver Disease

You have seen many people suffering from obesity around you and after few years due to obesity, they are trapped in different kinds of diseases. Obesity puts bad affects on human’s health because it makes the person dependent on others. In simple words, we can say that it attracts dangerous diseases towards the obese person and as a result, an obese person has more risk of developing varieties of diseases such as hypertension and heart disease, diabetes, polycystic ovarian disease, menstrual disturbances and infertility, osteoarthritis and disc prolapsed, etc. Obesity has become a major health issue worldwide. So if you have this kind of problem then you must visit Best Laparoscopic Surgeon in Chandigarh. Continue reading “Obesity and Liver Disease”

Vaginal Birth After C-section

Vaginal Birth after C-section

Women who have delivered their previous babies through c-section and they are pregnant again have lots of queries and confusions in their minds that whether or not they can deliver baby vaginally in future. The answer is very simple and clear and i.e. yes, they can. The success score of vaginal birth after c-section is 60% – 80%. But keep in mind that this option cannot be for everyone and for confirmation; you must consult your health care provider and make each and everything clear about your case.  For getting proper information, you can consult the Best Gynecologist in Chandigarh. Continue reading “Vaginal Birth After C-section”

Bleeding after Miscarriage: Every woman should need to know

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Miscarriage means loss of pregnancy that usually occurs within first trimester. It is that condition about which no woman may expect while she is hoping to expand her family. Although this is a natural occurring yet it gives guilt to expectant mother for her negligence towards her health or taking care of herself. Most of the time, the very symptom of miscarriage is bleeding that indicates an expectant mother, something went wrong. Sometimes bleeding does not necessarily means miscarriage but if you experience any kind of bleeding during pregnancy then you must visit Best Gynecologist in Chandigarh for confirmation. Continue reading “Bleeding after Miscarriage: Every woman should need to know”

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